Horticulture Crop Protection Ltd

What are EAMUs?

Extensions of Authorisation for Minor Uses (EAMUs) give the UK horticulture industry access to fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, acaricides, plant growth regulators and seed treatments.

HCP will act on behalf of the industry to seek approvals for products that plant protection companies would not otherwise pursue, due to the cost and resources needed and the small market size of minor horticulture crops.

The authorisation process is costly and time-consuming, so it is difficult for individual growing businesses to do themselves.

How will we secure EAMUs for the horticulture industry?

We work with CRD (Chemicals Regulatory Directorate), plant protection manufacturers, growers and counterparts in the EU to identify products that we believe will be valuable for the industry and are likely to be authorised.  We will work with crop associations to make sure all sectors of horticulture can have access to new and existing EAMU’s

How will we fund EAMU’s for the horticulture industry?

BOA and HTA will collect subscription fees for ornamental growers on behalf of HCP. All the companies that pay a subscription, will have a say in future EAMU’s.

How HCP is funded

Funds are subscribed to HCP on a voluntary basis. The subscription system comprises two elements:

  • A contribution to the running costs of the organisation
  • The actual costs of making an application. Every EAMU and Emergency Authorisation has a specific cost, added to this is the cost of any residue or efficacy trials needed to support an application.

Subscriptions are voluntary and are collected from growers through the network of crop associations.

How to pay your subscription

If you grow ornamental plants you can pay through BOA or HTA

We can help, use the form below and we can pass your payment on to HCP.

Please include your business name


Horticulture Crop Protection Ltd September update

Introduction As you know the AHDB commitment to provide the EAMU service comes to an end in 7 months. Consequently, the industry has a comparatively short time scale to put alternative arrangements in place.The steering group which has been working on the new arrangements has continued to meet through the summer to progress plans for…

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Funded R&D for Ornamental Horticulture

Funded R&D for Ornamental Horticulture Agreed Statement approved 21st June 2021 “Following recent meetings with representatives of the GBLG, BOA management committee resolved this week to confirm its support for the group in its discussions with DEFRA regarding new proposals for near-market R&D in horticulture.”“The BOA confirms that it will continue to lobby for cooperatively…

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R&D levy-funded research survey November 2020

Members’ responses to the importance of current items of service provision response to a survey question on priorities for research Added priorities for research suggested by respondents. R&D levy survey of attitudes to areas needing funding Seek to determine the best recyclable tray to enable best practise and standardisation of sales unit offered by the industry to…

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Sorry this content is only available to members & subscribers

Defra Consultation 8th May 2018 ‘The future for food, farming and the environment’ Executive Summary BOA members and other ornamentals growers are keen to contribute to this consultation and to establish the priorities for the development of the horticulture industry. In responding to the consultation via the online portal, we have approached all the questions…

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Funded R&D for Ornamental Horticulture

Funded R&D for Ornamental Horticulture Agreed Statement approved 21st June 2021 “Following recent meetings with representatives of the GBLG, BOA management committee resolved this week to confirm its support for the group in its discussions with DEFRA regarding new proposals for near-market R&D in horticulture.”“The BOA confirms that it will continue to lobby for cooperatively…

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