British Poinsettia Growers Group Conference

This group has been set up to ensure that research into the commercial production of poinsettias continues following the breakup of the AHDB. It has also been set up to ensure the industry has a strong, united voice with policymakers.

BOA Poinsettia Conference 2024

UPDATE: Tickets for this year’s Poinsettia Conference on 21st November 2024 have now sold out. A waiting list is in operation for those who would like to register their interest in the event of any late cancellations.

The third Open Day of the Poinsettia Growers Group in the UK will be taking place on Thursday 21st November 2024 at Bridge Farm Group, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE12 6RN. Its aim is to provide a focal point whereby growers and the allied trades can meet to view and discuss relevant aspects of poinsettia production and wider industry topics.  It has been formed to fill the void left by the cessation of the AHDB and its role in co-ordinating R&D within the UK in horticulture. 

There will be presentations featuring a range of current topics as well as a roundup of the variety trials which have been organised by the Poinsettia Growers Group this year.


Ada Leman

Ada Leman is a research entomologist at Wageningen University and Research, BU Greenhouse Horticulture and Flower Bulbs in the Netherlands. She has been working on biological control, primarily in ornamental crops, for 17 years with the main focus of her research on developing applied solutions for growers. Their projects are based on close collaboration with growers, with part of the work conducted as demonstrations at commercial companies.

Currently, Ada is involved in projects using banker plants to improve biological control in various crops, as well as a project aimed at finding new natural enemies for unresolved pests such as leafhoppers, Lyprauta, and thrips in freesia, carnation, anthurium, and amaryllis. This research emphasizes native species and their adaptation to the climatic conditions specific to each crop. Additionally, she participates in various international projects that require expertise in Integrated Pest Management (IPM).

Andrew Wilson

With a nationwide role, Andrew Wilson is ICL’s highly experienced technical manager for their fertiliser portfolio. He is BASIS and FACTS qualified.

Joe Barfoot

Joe is a BASIS and FACTS Qualified advisor specialising in biological inputs and targeted nutrition. He has 10 years’ experience in the fertiliser industry with the last 7 spent in Horticulture; with previous employment including Technical Sales roles at Hortifeeds and Omex. The last year has been spent developing and tailoring Aiva’s unique range of foliar feeds, bio-stimulants and hybrid teas for the horticultural market. Striking up a new strategic partnership with Fargro to exclusively distribute Aiva Horticulture products as part of a holistic systems approach to integrated nutrient management.

Ton de Bresser

Since 1992, Ton has been a part of Selecta One, a company that has seen remarkable growth over the years, having expanded their portfolio and markets. Selecta One are always trying to create new and surprising genetics. As the Head of Sales for the Netherlands, Belgium, UK, and Ireland, Ton is happy to serve their clients in their wishes. “It’s a pleasure to work with growers who love their work.”

Johan Heemskerk

Johan Heemskerk, Beekenkamp Plants, is now in his 43rd year selling ornamental young plants in the UK, starting in 1982 with Wed.P.Eveleens which became Royal Eveleens in 1989, which merged with Gebr. Man and became Florema which was later taken over by Beekenkamp Plants.

The first Poinsettia’s Johan sold were the Annette Hegg Diva Starlight, Femina and Topwhite, which was Norwegian breeding (and considered the first-self-braking-varieties) followed later by Red Sails, Lilo, Freedom etc.

David MacDonald

David is the UK Technical Consultant for Koppert UK having been with the company since 2009. Prior to this he was a Grower Manager for a protected salads company. He covers the East/North/South Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and Ely areas, extending into the East Midlands. David’s main area of expertise spans from ornamentals across a wide range of herbs/salads and protected crops.

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Exhibiting at this year’s conference will be: