Spring Conference 2019

Spring Conference 2019

Conference Programme:

‘Optimising your own cutting and seedling propagation’

In the conference programme this year, the BOA has sought out a stellar selection of acknowledged experts in their various study areas related to propagation. Many growers are working with their own young plant production for a range of seed-raised subjects and there is increasing interest in producing cutting raised plants as well. With the 2019 Spring Conference, the organising group of the Technical Committee has produced an agenda with highly- experienced speakers bringing you the latest facts on the propagation techniques and the science behind them.

You can read more about the speakers here.

BOA Spring Conference 2019- Programme

‘Optimising your own cutting and seedling propagation.’

Monday 14/01/2019   Stratford Manor Hotel

17:00- 18:30      AGM 2019 19:30                Informal conference dinner

Tuesday 15/01/2019 NFU Conference Centre- Stoneleigh Park

‘Optimising your own cutting and seedling propagation.’
9:15 Welcome
9:30 Propagation in the USA today. Will Healy Ball (North America)
10:15 Understanding the factors affecting rooting and survival of cuttings. Uwe Grüge Leibniz University
11:30 Lighting plugs and cuttings- regimes and lamps. Erik Runkle Michigan State University
12:00 Nutrition, water quality and monitoring. Neil Bragg Soil Scientist
12:20 Automated cuttings handling- Time to invest? Raymond van den Berg International Sales Manager – ISO Group
12:40 Water relations and environmental management- avoiding common problems. Will Healy Ball (North America)
14:00 Understanding your plants- microclimate sensors and big data. Chris Need Need Consulting
14:20 Optimising Biopesticides in propagation. Ant Surrage Technical Development Specialist Fargro Limited.
14:40 Managing glasshouse environment for propagation Jon Swain Senior Consultant- FEC Energy
Meeting close and afternoon tea.