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Join the new UK Poinsettia group. This group has been set up to ensure that research into the commercial production of poinsettias continues following the breakup of the AHDB. It has also been set up to ensure the industry has a strong, united voice with policymakers.  Poinsettia-Growers-Group-MembershipDownload If you do wish to be a part…

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Why not join the new UK Poinsettia group? This group has been set up to ensure that research into the commercial production of poinsettias continues following the breakup of the AHDB. It has also been set up to ensure the industry has a strong, united voice with policymakers.  What it involves Although this year’s variety…

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10 -12.30 onlineThe main focus of the meeting will be on progressing the technical groups.AgendaCrop ProtectionAn update on the DEFRA EAMU proposal. Create a working group to produce a list of essential pesticides ready for the DEFRA proposal, other associations already have this in place. We intend to plan future EAMU proposals with HTA.EnergyDetails of…

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