Conference 2022

Spring conference 2022 3rd February

We have taken the decision to make this year’s BOA Spring conference online only. We feel the risk of spreading COVID is too great at this time and we need to act responsibly to ensure our members and participants are kept safe and our businesses can remain open through this latest wave of the virus.

BOA Technical Conference – 3rd February 2022


9:30 – 11:15Morning Session Chaired by Derek Jarman
9:35-9:55A Sustainability Journey – Susannah Ball, Ball Horticultural Company
9:55-10:20Carbon implications of plastic & the alternatives available—Phil Griffiths, Desch Plantpak
10:20-10:45The energy Rollercoaster of 2021—Jon Swain, NFU Energy
10:45-11:05Refreshment Break
11:05- 12:35Mid-Morning Session Chaired by Chris Need
11:10-11:30Peat policy in England—Judith Stuart, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
11:30-12:00New ingredients in growing media: how to take advantage of more microbial biomass and activity—Bart Vandecasteele, Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO)
12:00-12:25Developments in Plant Health—Derek McCann, Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA)
12:25-12:35BOA: The Future—Derek Jarman, BOA Chairman
12:35-13:15Refreshment Break
13:15-15:00Afternoon Session Chaired by Robin Squance
13:20-13:45The Robots are coming!- David May, Lincoln Institute for Agri-Food Technology
13:45-14:10The potential for data analytics and machine learning in horticultural crop protection programmes —Ant Surrage, Fargro
14:10-14:25The Autonomous Greenhouse Challenge – Max van den Hemel, Delphy
14:25 -14:35Making the BOA more accessible—Robin Squance, BOA Technical Chair
14:35-14:40Closing Remarks—Derek Jarman, BOA Chairman

Conference program